Ph.D. Aquatic Resources- Texas University

Aquatic Resources Ph.D. Program       Sustainable freshwater resources provide a foundation for aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, as well as human use and economic development. However, inadequate understanding of aquatic resources and a prevailing inability to properly integrate scientific, technical, and socioeconomic elements continue to seriously hinder the goal of providing sustainable aquatic resources, not only […]

Agriculture Fast Track Fund Now Accepting Grant Applications from African Agri-Business Operators

The Agriculture Fast Track Fund, a new multi-donor trust fund, managed by the African Development Bank (AfDB), designed to boost investment in Africa’s agricultural sector, is now accepting applications for new grants. Launching the call for proposals, the AfDB’s Agriculture and Agro-Industry department manager, Josephine Mwangi, said: “If you are in the agriculture business and […]

BU Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarship-UK

This scholarship is offered to students who have applied to study a full-time taught postgraduate (Master’s) degree at BU and who are resident in one of the following countries: Nepal, Colombia, Nigeria, Vietnam or India.

فوز الدكتورة ليلى الشياظمي والهامل الادريسي ومحمد لكريني بجائزة مجلس الشباب العربي المتميز

أعلن مجلس الشباب العربي للتنمية المتكاملة عن الفائزين بجائزة مجلس الشباب العربي للتنمية المتكاملة للشباب العربي المتميز، حيث شاركت العديد من الدول العربية المغرب ومصر والاردن وفلسطين والجزائر واليمن وتونس في مجالات مختلفة، ويجدر بنا التنوية عن ان عدد المرشحين للجائزة قد تخطي المائتان مرشح تم تنقيحهم عدة مرات وفق المعايير والاهداف والشروط التي وضعها […]

Herbert H. Jasper fellowship 2014-2015 Edition

The prestigious Herbert H. Jasper Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Neurosciences allows the applicant to undertake a postdoctoral research project with the investigator of their choice within the «Groupe de recherche sur le système nerveux central» (GRSNC) of the Université de Montréal. The stipend has a value of $45,000 CAD per year for two years, plus […]

Alfa Fellowship Program

The Alfa Fellowship Program is a distinguished professional development program placing accomplished young professionals in work assignments at leading organizations in Russia in the fields of business, economics, journalism, law, public policy and related areas. The program accepts up to 15 American and British citizens per year. The program includes intensive Russian language training, seminar […]

El Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental, A.C. (CEMDA) busca una persona para cubrir el puesto de: Director de Desarollo Institucional

El Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental (CEMDA) es una organización civil fundada en 1993, apartidista que promueve el derecho a un ambiente sano y la protección ambiental, cuyo trabajo —sumado al de muchos otros actores— contribuye a la aplicación efectiva de la legislación, la mejora de las políticas públicas,  el fortalecimiento de la legalidad y […]