Irish Aid Fellowship Training Programme – Eligibility



Awards under the Irish Aid Fellowship Training Programme are targeted at nine participating countries with which Ireland has established development cooperation programmes: Ethiopia, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Palestine, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam and Zambia. To be eligible, applicants must be citizens of one of these partner countries and be residing in that country.

In addition, applicants must be currently employed by an Irish Aid partner organisation and be nominated by that organisation to apply. Potential candidates must obtain leave from their employer to undertake the course and, on completion, are expected to return home, resume their employment and put their qualifications into practice.

Irish Aid Fellowship Training Programme applicants must also:

  • have a minimum of three years relevant work experience
  • be able to demonstrate a strong commitment to the development of their home country
  • have identified up to two relevant Postgraduate Diploma or Taught Masters courses in Ireland or within their own region
  • be able to take up the fellowship in the academic year for which it is offered
  • provide a letter from their employer granting study leave for the duration of the fellowship and guaranteeing that they will be able to return to an equivalent position in the organisation at the end of the fellowship period
  • apply

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